Saturday 4 September 2010

Half the world away

I've recently signed for a new flat and so am on the look out for pretty things to fill the rooms with. I'm trying to justify buying this huge magnetic world map from Pedlars, after all it is educational as well as beautiful......!

Friday 11 June 2010

Wonderful Lyrics

It has to be said I'm a lyric loving girl at heart. I love that you can dream the day away with different thoughts and feelings floating around your head. I spotted Music Philosophy and thought it was wonderful- the perfect pieces of art to put up in the house- just to remind you to daydream. Here are a couple of my faves.

Friday 23 April 2010

Monday was a beautiful day this week- I had the final instalment of my student loan..... which means a deep, deep longing for shopping! Unfortunately (or what would be considered by my mum as 'probably for the best') time is not my own at the moment as exam season is looming! Of course this does stop online browsing, I came across this work-of-art this evening and its got me considering getting up extra early tomorrow morning (thats Saturday people!) to nab it. I love it, its got that stole-it-from-a-Victorian-child feel about it... not that I often indulge in that practice! Its a steal at £58- race ya!

Friday 16 April 2010

Pack up and sail away...for a simple Riviera holiday!

On a visit of York last weekend, I spotted this lovely in the Cath Kidston window. I love the old fashioned badges- like I've taken a tour of the UK- I especially like the loch ness one!
The traditional gladstone shape is perfect too- a great size for dashing way for a mini-break!
Find it now on the website
Have a great weekend!
Love Annie

Saturday 3 April 2010

Pretty feet

I'm always looking for ways to change my style myself, because, well, I'm a bit of a cheapskate- but I also love the idea of taking simple pieces and turning them into one-off masterpieces. I got the idea for these shoes for a pair at Kurt Geiger- On sale for around sixty of our English pounds. After looking longingly at them through the shop window- in a way that can only be likened to that of a dog watching a rotisserie chicken spin- I decided to make my own.

I came across the silver buckles from a antiques fair for about £4, bought a length of pink satin and some cheap plain black ballet pumps. I actually sewed the bows on, but you could make them detachable, perhaps using different coloured bows to coordinate with your outfit.
Love Annie

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Wonderful Music

I came across the band She and Him last week. Since our first introduction, I was in love. From the 60s vibe to the tales of heartbreak to the folky vocals- these guys had me hooked! I downloaded the album pronto and it hasn't been able to escape my ipod since. Love has not quite blinded me from its faults though, with the song 'Swing low sweet chariot' being a real low point (football match chant, anyone? I guess some things just don't translate across the pond). Well worth a look though, check out their website for a taster,

Love Annie

Mad Men

I'm totally smitten- like half of the world- with the TV series Mad Men. I've just finished series 2- and in an effort to prolong that wonderful feeling of being submerged in a chic world where men where men and women were um...ladies, I took to the internet. The makers of Mad Men have given their fans a treat in the shape of 'Mad Men Yourself'
See what kind of Mad Man, or indeed Mad Woman, you would make.
Have fun!
Love Annie